Monday, May 21, 2012


Dark circles under your eyes, chipped nails, hair fall, frustration, anger are all linked with protein deficiency. Amino acids (proteins) are necessary for normal hair grpwth and lustre, strong nails and smooth skin. 
without them not just you look, but how much fat you burn gets affected. Our protein requirement stands roughly at 1gm/kilo of body weight.

The word protein comes from the greek word 'proteios' which means primary. It has many roles to play i our body without which normal functioning can be impaired.
Some of these functions are :
- Making antibodies, which are our primary defence system against infections.
- Movement and muscle contraction, which we get from contractile proteins.
- Catalysing metabolic and biochemical reactions through enzymes. Enzymes take part in all chemical reactions in the body. eg.Enzymes help the digestive system in breaking down the food.
- Picking up signals from the body and sending them to a cell that needs it. Hormonal proteins work as messenger proteins(like insulin).
- Making up cells and tissues, structural proteins such as keratin, collagen and elastin do this important job for us, creating connective tissue, tendons, ligaments(responsible 
for keeping hair, skin, nails healthy).
- Help to transport nutrients from one part of the body to another, the haemoglobin does this.

Have a close look at the following image and you will realize that proteins are everywhere :)

There are 3 types of Amino acids:
1. Essential - Can not be synthesizes by the body.[Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine].
2. Non essential - Body can make it in adequate amounts if nitrogen is available in the diet. [Alanine, Asparagine,Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid, Glutamine, Serine].
3. Conditionally essential - These are needed in the diet unless precursors are available for their synthesis. [Arginine, Cysteine, Glycien, Proline,Tyrosine].

* Precursor is a substance from which another is formed especially by metabolic reaction.*

Precursors of conditionally essential amino acids :
Amino acid                           Precursor
-Cysteine                       Methionine, Serine
-Tyrosine                       Phenylalanine
-Arginine                       Glutamine/Glutamate, Aspartate
-Proline                         Glutamate
-Glycine                        Serine, Choline

Quality of protein is affected by amino acid content, amino acid imbalance, interference of trypsin inhibitors and non availability of carbs.It is also affected by heating and processing.

Sorces: Animal foods like meat, fish, eggs. Plant foods like pulses, oil seeds, nuts. Milk and milk products. Generally animal proteins are most easily digested and absorbed over 90%. 
Cooking with moist heat improves protein digestibility whereas dry heat methods can impair it.

Methionine can be supplied to the body in adequate amounts by eating a well balanced diet andby consuming good quality protein like fish, eggs, milk products,whey. A diet 
which restricts protein will lack methionine and will not facilitate fat burning process.

One thing that will turn exercise into an anti ageing activity is protein.

When too much of protein is consumed at one time, it does not get stacked away for future use, instead  it is converted to fat by a process called deamination.

Combinations of foods to improve quality of protein:
Excellent combo                                                     Example
-Cereals + legumes                                      Idli, dosa, khichdi, chapati + sprouts
-Cereals + milk & milk products                    Payasam, paneer pulao, cheese sandwich, 
                                                                 curd rice, cheese pasta     
-Legumes + nuts & oilseeds                            Gingelly seeds/grondnuts/ coconut chutney 
                                                                   with roasted bengal gram daal

P.S. Proteins are the machinary of living tissue that builds the structures and carries out the chemical reactions (functions) necessary for life.


  1. Cheese pasta....chesse sandwich:">

  2. hehehehe yeahhhhhhhhh rightttttttt.....tula tar fakt cheese ch disla na :P
